Skopje Multiple-use Superstructure Project, North Macedonia

Giving Skopje a New Lease of Life

Limak’s work in North Macedonia focuses on the ambitious construction of the Skopje Multiple-Use Superstructure Project. A complex comprising 323,000 square meters, the project will provide a range of features including shopping malls, multi-storey car parks, hotel, offices, and residential apartments. With the complex located in the heart of Skopje, the historical city centre will acquire a new lease of life. The completion of the full complex is set to be completed by 2023.

Started in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia; the Multiple-use Project, with a gross area of 323 thousand square meters, is located in the city center between Ulica Aziz Kiril and Method and Ulica Yordan Miyalkov streets. Within the scope of the project, Macedonia Boulevard was arranged as an underpass while shopping malls, multi-storey car parks, hotel, office and residence blocks were designed on the passage.

The location of the project meets the main pedestrian axis passing through the historical city center. It is located on the axis that connects the historical city center with the city’s hospital center and police station.

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